You will find articles, poems,musings, essays by the author Satis Shroff, who is a lecturer, poet, author and singer (MGV_Kappel) and artist. He loves the Schwarzwald, Himalayas and the Alps.He loves to read, write, cook,sing with his croonies from the men's choir in Kappel. 'Life is beautiful, so flourish' is his message.He writes about mutual respect for Prakriti (i.e.humans, animals, plants), Miteinander (togetherness), tolerance, peace,meditation,love.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Satis Shroff: Dichter, Dozent, Sänger
About the Author:
Satis Shroff
Geschlecht: Male
Land: Germany
Beruf: Dozent, Dichter, Writer, Singer (MGV-Kappel)
Mitglied seit: Oct 2010
Internetseite: http://blogs.boloji.com/satisshroff
Loginstatus: Offline
Über mich
Satish Shroff versteht sich als ein Vermittler zwischen westliche und östliche Kulturen und sieht da seine Zukunft als Dozent, Dichter und Schriftsteller. Er ist auch ein aktives Mitglied in der Vorstand von der Männergesangsverein (MGV) Kappel.
Er hat sechs Bücher geschrieben: Im Schatten des Himalaya (Gedichte und Prosa), Through Nepalese Eyes (Reisebericht), Katmandu, Katmandu (Gedichte und Prosa mit Nepali autoren) Glacial Whispers (Gedichtesammlung zwischen 1997-2010). Er hat zwei Sprachführer im Auftrag von Horlemannverlag und Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklungsdienst (DSE) für Auslandsmitarbeiter der GTZ, sowie Goethe Institut, DAAD, Carl Duisburg Gesellschaft etc. geschrieben. Satish Shroff hat mehrere Artikel in seiner ehemaligen Zeitung „The Rising Nepal“ über verschiedene Aspekte von Leben und Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa veröffentlicht. Er schreibt regelmäßig in The American Chronicle (www.americanchronicle.com/authors/view/1207 und viele andere Zeitschriften.
Außerdem drei Artikeln über die Gurkhas, Achtausender und Nepals Symbolen für Nelles Verlags ‚Nepal’ und über Hinduismus in „Nepal: Myths & Realities (Book Faith India). Sein Gedicht „Mental Molotovs“ wurde im epd-Entwicklungsdienst (Frankfurt) veröffentlicht. Seine Lyrik sind in Slow Trains, International Zeitschrift, World Poetry Society (WPS), New Writing North, Muses Review, The Megaphone, Pen Himalaya, Interpoetry publiziert worden. Er ist ein Mitglied von Writers of Peace, poets, essayists, novelists (PEN), World Poetry Society (WPS) usw.
Bei Google und Yahoo kann man ihm auch finden unter: satis shroff.
Meine Arbeit
Katmandu, Katmandu Satis Shroff’s anthology is about a poet caught between upheavals in two countries, Nepal and Germany, where maoists and skin-heads are trying to undermine democratic values, religious and cultural life. Satis Shroff writes political poetry, in German and English, about the war in Nepal (My Nepal, Quo vadis?), the sad fate of the Nepalese people (My Nightmare, Only Sagarmatha Knows), the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany (Mental Molotovs, The Last Tram to Littenweiler) and love (The Broken Poet, Without Words, About You), women’s woes (Nirmala, Bombay Brothel). His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. In writing ‘home,’ he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West, and his task of writing is a very important one in political and social terms. His true gift is to invent Nepalese metaphors and make them accessible to the West through his poetry. Druck: €12.10Download: €6.25
Im Schatten des Himalaya Themen der Geschichten und Gedichten sind u.a.: Kampf um Demokratie (My Nepal: Quo vadis?), Transition (Wenn die Seele sich verabschiedet), und die Stellung der Frau (Bombay Bordel, Nirmala: Zwischen Terror und Ekstase), die verführerische Bergwelt (Die Himalaya rufen, Die Sehnsucht der Himalaya), das Leben in der Fremde (Gibt es Hexen in Deutschland?), Soldatenleben und Krieg (Der Verlust einer Mutter, Die Agonie des Krieges, Kein letzte Sieg), Tod nach Tollwut (Fatale Entscheidung), Trennung und Emanzipation (Santa Fe), Migration und Fremdenhass (Mental Molotovs, Letzte Tram nach Littenweiler), Tourismus (Mein Alptraum, Die Götter sind weg), Alkoholismus (Der Professors Gattin), Gewalt (Krieg), Trennung (Die Stimme, Der Rosenkrieg), Nachbarn (Die Sommerhitze) und die Liebe (Der zerbrochene Dichter, Eine seufzende Prinzessin, Ohne Wörter), die Familie (Meine Maya), der Tod (An Carolin Walter, Wenn die Seele Abschied nimmt).Druck: €16.00Download: €10.00
A Gurkha Mother & Mental Molotovs This book is about love, the sad fate of the Nepalese people, the lure of the Himalayas and the trials and tribulations of a cross-section of the Nepali people, with characters and themes pertaining to the agrarian, soldier, teaching and other milieus. Globalisation have reached Kathmandu Valley but the world outside Kathmandu Valley still remains rural and untouched by modernity. The trekking tourism has been booming along the much-treaded trails, but village-life has changed little. Nepal has been declared a Federal Republic but a certain uneasiness lingers in the Himalayas.. Druck: €11.77Download: €4.73
A Gurkha Mother, the Broken Poet & Mental Molotovs Satis Shroff's work is about the Himalayas, the hard life, corruption,the former feudal system,the beliefs (Shamanism), general poverty and hope for the future of his beautiful Himalayan country. He writes political poetry, about the war in Nepal, the sad fate of the Nepalese people, the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany. His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. In writing ‘home,’ he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West. He invents Nepalese metaphors and makes them accessible to the West through his poetry. Druck: €12.70Download: €6.58
Longing for the Himalayas Art by Satis Shroff who handled the theme longing (German:Sehnsucht)in his aquarelle paintings. Druck: €13.98
Through Nepalese Eyes ‘Through Nepalese Eyes’ is about the journey of a young Nepalese woman to Germany to meet her brother, who lives with his German wife and daughter in an allemanic town named Freiburg. It is a travelogue written by a sensitive, modern British public-school educated man. He describes the two worlds: Asia and Europe and the people he meets. There is a touch of sadness when his sister returns to her home in the foothills of the Himalayas. Druck: €13.44Download: €6.25
Im Schatten des Himalaya
von Satis Shroff
Dieses Produkt wurde noch nicht bewertet
Paperback , 88 Seiten
Preis: €16.00
Versand dauert 3-5 Werktage
Themen der Geschichten und Gedichten sind u.a.: Kampf um Demokratie (My Nepal: Quo vadis?), Transition (Wenn die Seele sich verabschiedet), und die Stellung der Frau (Bombay Bordel, Nirmala: Zwischen Terror und Ekstase), die verführerische Bergwelt (Die Himalaya rufen, Die Sehnsucht der Himalaya), das Leben in der Fremde (Gibt es Hexen in Deutschland?), Soldatenleben und Krieg (Der Verlust einer Mutter, Die Agonie des Krieges, Kein letzte Sieg), Tod nach Tollwut (Fatale Entscheidung), Trennung und Emanzipation (Santa Fe), Migration und Fremdenhass (Mental Molotovs, Letzte Tram nach Littenweiler), Tourismus (Mein Alptraum, Die Götter sind weg), Alkoholismus (Der Professors Gattin), Gewalt (Krieg), Trennung (Die Stimme, Der Rosenkrieg), Nachbarn (Die Sommerhitze) und die Liebe (Der zerbrochene Dichter, Eine seufzende Prinzessin, Ohne Wörter), die Familie (Meine Maya), der Tod (An Carolin Walter, Wenn die Seele Abschied nimmt).
Katmandu, Katmandu
von Satis Shroff
Dieses Produkt wurde noch nicht bewertet
Paperback , 187 Seiten
Preis: €12.10
Versand dauert 3-5 Werktage
Satis Shroff’s anthology is about a poet caught between upheavals in two countries, Nepal and Germany, where maoists and skin-heads are trying to undermine democratic values, religious and cultural life. Satis Shroff writes political poetry, in German and English, about the war in Nepal (My Nepal, Quo vadis?), the sad fate of the Nepalese people (My Nightmare, Only Sagarmatha Knows), the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany (Mental Molotovs, The Last Tram to Littenweiler) and love (The Broken Poet, Without Words, About You), women’s woes (Nirmala, Bombay Brothel). His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. In writing ‘home,’ he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West, and his task of writing is a very important one in political and social terms. His true gift is to invent Nepalese metaphors and make them accessible to the West through his poetry.
A Gurkha Mother & Mental Molotovs
von Satis Shroff
Dieses Produkt wurde noch nicht bewertet
Paperback , 63 Seiten
Preis: €11.77
Versand dauert 3-5 Werktage
This book is about love, the sad fate of the Nepalese people, the lure of the Himalayas and the trials and tribulations of a cross-section of the Nepali people, with characters and themes pertaining to the agrarian, soldier, teaching and other milieus. Globalisation have reached Kathmandu Valley but the world outside Kathmandu Valley still remains rural and untouched by modernity. The trekking tourism has been booming along the much-treaded trails, but village-life has changed little. Nepal has been declared a Federal Republic but a certain uneasiness lingers in the Himalayas..
Through Nepalese Eyes
von Satis Shroff
Dieses Produkt wurde noch nicht bewertet
Paperback , 205 Seiten
Preis: €13.44
Versand dauert 3-5 Werktage
‘Through Nepalese Eyes’ is about the journey of a young Nepalese woman to Germany to meet her brother, who lives with his German wife and daughter in an allemanic town named Freiburg. It is a travelogue written by a sensitive, modern British public-school educated man. He describes the two worlds: Asia and Europe and the people he meets. There is a touch of sadness when his sister returns to her home in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Fast facts
Im Kino schaue ich gerne:
Europäische und Hollywood Filme
Zuletzt gesehener Film:
Midnight in Paris, Iris und The Bucket List,
Musik, die ich gerne höre:
Classical Ragas, western classical, pop, oldies, bollywood love songs..
James Joyce & Hemingway
Zuletzt gelesenes Buch:
Joyce's Ulysses
Momentan bestes Spiel:
Badminton, Walks in the countryside (Alps, Schwarzwald)
SC Freiburg und Bayern München
Meine Leidenschaft gilt:
Literature (English, German, Nepali)
Ich wünschte ich könnte:
Fliegen wie Superman..
Venice, my love, Zermatt,Lago de Garda (Sirmione),Katmandu (Nepal)
Wenn ich Urlaub habe:
Lese und schreibe ich gerne..
Wenn ich 1 Million Euro gewänne, würde ich:
Viele Literaturbücher kaufen..
Mein schlechtester Einkauf überhaupt:
Italian car named 'Palio'..
Ich mag meinen Kaffee...:
Stimmt, weil ich Tea (Tee) besser finde..
Essen, das ich mag:
dal,bhat,shikar,paratha,chabatta, chapatis,south asian sweet-meat,Meeresfruchte
Was ich nicht mag:
spinach(Spinat), aber ich mag Popeye the Sailor stories..
Software, die ich verwende:
Sol Stein
Hardware, die ich verwende:
acer traveller..
Zeitgeistlyrik: Rituals in the Himalayas (Satis Shroff)
Rituals in the Himalayas (Satis Shroff)
(c) Art by satisshroff
I greet the Godliness in you.
Tika, a Hindu symbol,
A blessing from the parents,
From the priest at the temple,
During a visit to a shrine,
After a puja,
A ritual ceremony.
Faith and belief in God,
Spirituality in the Himalayas
As old and strong,
As the Abode of Snows,
Undaunted by colonialism
And conquests with the sickel sword.
Om namo Shiva,
Rituals reveal the unity,
Between the self and the cosmos;
A light in your innermost self.
Through rituals you become one
With your soul.
You feel it within the molecules,
Atoms and positrons in you.
Be it big or small,
In this eternally moving world,
Nothing is without a meaning.
The ancient rituals
Have each a meaning,
In the endless metamorphosis
Of the individual,
To be in tact with the universe.
It is the daily rituals
That lead us to unity,
Growth of consciousness,
That engulfs all.
In rituals we bundle energy
For the changes in the cycle
Of Death and Creation.
It is the litany of mantras
Combined with ritual offerings,
That create a work of art: the yantra.
Dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses,
In the shrine, temple and pagoda.
Seasonal flowers plucked at dawn,
To beckon and appease the Gods,
Sandalwood tika paste,
Cereals and herbs,
Sweetmeat and fruits.
The beauty of the yantra
Creates harmony.
The chime of the temple bells
Evoke feelings of spirituality.
There is a mingling
Of cultural powers that be,
In peace and balance.
If you’re ill perform a ritual
At the right time,
To restore the balance,
Between illness and recovery,
Between right and wrong,
Between holy and unholy,
Between wealth and poverty,
Between rain and sun,
Flood and drought,
Life, death and rebirth
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