The Divine Comedy (Satis Shroff)
Savvy Dante Alighieri? Dante Alighieri speaks to the audience and describes his journey to Hell.
Ciao Irene Pacini! Thank you very much for the invitation. It sounded very inviting and I'm coming. I remember Jack Nicholson saying to the people in his firm: 'Have any of you read Dante. Dante Alighieri?' in the movie 'The Bucket List' in which he plays the role of a terminal cancer patient, along with Morgan Freeman. Schöne Grüsse. Grazie! I'm looking forward to it...
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, 1265-1321, was banned from Florence. His poems have a depth of thought, visionary power and great feeling, in addition to beauty of language.
‘The New Life’ includes poems, his love for Beatrice, whom he loved as a young man, and his work ‘The Divine Comedy’ has made him famous.
In the 14th century, Italian literature reached its first zenith with Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’, F. Petrarca work and G. Bocaccio’s ‘Decameron.’
The journey to the Hell of Dante was illustrated by black and white drawings that were shown on a big screen in German translation, and soft-spoken translations by one of the actors in the former Musik Hochschule, downtown Freiburg, Löwenstrasse 16. The illustrations were by the classical Dante-illustrator Gustave Dore´accompanied by the pianist Gaspari. The well-known passages from Dante’s Inferno were recited by the Italian actors and members of the Italo-German association.

The entire Infero scenes were created among the audience and the actors were all around them, agitating, reciting, crying, pleading, orating about the themes of Hell's inferno and the people involved. To accompany Dante to Hell on a wintry afternoon was to be transported into another world. You were glad to see the stars in the night sky after you climbed the latter with the protagonist to see the stars twingling like jewels.
Nessun maggior dolore
Che ricordarsi del tempo felice
Nella miseria.
There is no greater grief than to recall a time of happiness when in misery. (Dante Alighieri)
Afer the 'Inferno' went to Freiburg's Greiffenegg Castle (Schlössle) and had a big Malakovtorte with Royal Darjeeling
tea. The sight of Freiburg from the castle restaurant is rewarding and you can see the University town of Freiburg with its restored medeval Fachwerk houses as well as modern ones. And out in the distance the Schönberg, Vosges (France) as well as the Black Forest Mountains.The blonde Edeltraud greets you friendly with her sympathetic smile and brings you the goodies. If you haven't been there, take this as a Geheimtip, a place where you can chillax, look at the roofs of Freiburg, the cathedral (Münster), and Freiburg East with Littenweiler and Freiburg West (Lorettoberg).