You will find articles, poems,musings, essays by the author Satis Shroff, who is a lecturer, poet, author and singer (MGV_Kappel) and artist. He loves the Schwarzwald, Himalayas and the Alps.He loves to read, write, cook,sing with his croonies from the men's choir in Kappel. 'Life is beautiful, so flourish' is his message.He writes about mutual respect for Prakriti (i.e.humans, animals, plants), Miteinander (togetherness), tolerance, peace,meditation,love.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
FREIBURGER CHRONICLE (Satis Shroff): Männergesangverein Kappel: Mann ist ganz Chor (Sat...
FREIBURGER CHRONICLE (Satis Shroff): Männergesangverein Kappel: Mann ist ganz Chor (Sat...: Motto: MANN IST GANZ CHOR! (Satis Shroff) 'I'd never thought it could be such fun!' 'The conductor has infected everyone i...
Männergesangverein Kappel: Mann ist ganz Chor (Satis Shroff)
Motto: MANN IST GANZ CHOR! (Satis Shroff)
'I'd never thought it could be such fun!'
'The conductor has infected everyone in Kappel and the Dreisam Valley with his charm.'
(MGV-Kappel 2014: Project Choir Concert on July 26,2014)

Do you sing when you're taking a shower? Do you sing in your bath-tub? Why not sing a solo on-stage with us?
Every male voice is welcome. Can't read music sheets? No problem. We'll even invite you to a beer if you come to our Proberaum (rehearsal room) on the 8th of May 2014 at 8pm.
Since the Choir Project was a big success last Summer, the Men's Choir (MGV-Kappel) has decided to stage another Choir Project this Summer with the motto: Man ist ganz Chor! The Project will start on May 8,2014 and will culminate with a big concert on July 26,2014 at the Kappler Hall.
You're welcome to join us for a singing session in the MGV-rehearsal room (Proberaum) which is located in the basement of the Kappler Hall (Mehrzweckhalle).You're invited to a free beer.
As I mentioned above the motto this year is: 'Mann ist ganz Chor!' we'll be singing other than traditional songs. Like last year we'll be delighted to welcome new voices that want to join us. Nine young men came to sing with us and eight became members after the Project Choir because they liked it so much. Age and knowledge of music are unimportant. You should only bring the desire to sing. Just come along along for one singing session. We sing every Thursday at 8pm.
The concert will be on Saturday, July 26, 2014 which is the last weekend before the school holidays in Baden-Württemberg.
Ich bin ganz Ohr, ich meine ganz Chor!
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