This photoessay and other posts are about the men's choir located in Freiburg-Kappel in the Black Forest mountains of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
WELCOME to Creative Cappel (Kappel) the place where I live, where the sun shines when it's raining in downtown Freiburg, where the people greet you with 'Grüssgott!', where you can buy good, unpolluted vegetables from Herr Band and his dear Mom, where you can enjoy the badische cuisine at Gasthof Kreuz run by a man named Hug, where the Black Forest landscape is enhanced with the fantastic wooden sculptures of Thomas Rees, where the Ortsvorsteher sings Udo Lindenberg's 'Cello' on stage, where the river Brugga flows and joins the Dreisam, and where Richard Linder and Franz Lachmann take care of the fauna and flora, where Ernst Ehemann cares about the hill mining history and where Adolf Fressle sings in the men's choir and carries his father's tradition, and where Herr Winter, a burly, amiable Bavarian conducts the brass band. Ah, you feel so at home in this environment. It's like being in a holiday resort. If that isn't wellness, this Schwarzwald air that I breathe, the German, English songs that I sing. Yes, I could go on and on. Let me cite Germany's most prolific and creative bard:
'Man sollte alle Tage wenigstens ein kleines Lied hören, ein gutes Gedicht lesen, ein treffliches Gemälde sehen und, wenn es möglich zu machen wäre, einige vernünftige Worte sprechen.' Who said that? None other than Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

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